Wearing a prayer caps has a very long history as well. There are several different types of prayer caps available, but the popular ones are topi, keffiyeh and jalbiha. In general, Muslim prayer caps are often worn during morning jumu'ahs, which take place inside a mosque, and also during the afternoon and evening prayers, which are usually conducted in a house of worship.
The tradition of wearing prayer caps goes back to the earliest centuries. Accounts from Islam's early days, and those of its post-Christian era period, indicate that it was customary to wear a turban, which in Arabic is known as a jalbiha, or turban. These were typically made of wool or silk with a tight, elegant weave around them to ward off the cold. The modern jalbiha has been updated and designed to fit today's lifestyle, much like the typical Islamic hat.

What is the Importance of Prayer Caps in Islam?
Islamic prayer caps have undergone several changes throughout the years, which can be found in both their design and manufacturing. During the sixteenth century, the topi was modified to fit and adorn a man's head better, and it came to known as a "turban." This type of head gear was heavily worn by men, especially wealthy individuals.
The sixteenth century also witnessed the introduction of jalbiha, which was heavily based on the topi, but came to include intricate embellishments. A major change in prayer hat was seen during the nineteenth century, when the "karaba," or carpet, prayer cap became highly popular all over the Muslim world. Its heavy fabric, bright colors and simplicity made it a popular choice for males throughout the Muslim world.
Today, most Muslims wear Muslim gift to keep their heads covered while performing their daily prayers. They do this not only to keep their heads protected from dust and stones, as is the case with the topi, but also to emulate the way their holy prophets wore their caps. Most of the holy Prophet's followers, especially the early ones, used to wear long abayas (colored outfits consisting of pants, shirts and head caps). Their abayas were black in color, in order to preserve the purity of their religion and avoid igniting the fire of hell. It was during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), that Muslims began wearing Muslim caps in order to follow his example.
What Is the Meaning of Muslim Prayer Caps?
Although the Quran does not explicitly state that men must cover their heads, Muslims have historically chosen to wear prayer caps as an outward sign of modesty. Today, you would be hard pressed to find a Muslim who would deny the fact that the kuya (cheek) and skullcap are considering to be authentic Islamic wear. In fact, one could even get a Muslim male and ask him to shave his head and wear a skullcap. He will most certainly refuse, as he knows that it is an abomination in Islam to wear anything except for what is Islamic. Hence, you will see many younger and older males at prayer clinics sporting these skullcaps.
Not only is the guy a requirement for all Muslims, but also for people belonging to other religions and ethnicities. Jews, for example, must wear a kuya if they want to pray in a synagogue. The Christian can't wear a Christian prayer cap, as it is a violation of his faith. Hence, all over the world, people of different religions and races wear Muslim prayer hat.
Unlike the kuya and skullcap, which are mandated by law, Muslim head covering are not mandated by Allah. That is why Muslim men wear them, even without having to comply with Islamic law. According to the teachings of Islam, modesty is a must, as it is an outward show of spirituality. Therefore, Muslim men can wear their caps as they wish, even while being modest.
The truth is that Muslim gift for men are blessed with many privileges, especially when it comes to their religion and their culture. However, many of these religious freedoms are being threatened today, mainly because of ignorance and Western interests. For instance, the wearing of religious garments, such as the prayer cap, is prohibited in Islam, as it is considered to be an imitation of the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Thus, today, many Muslims wear prayer caps as a symbol of their culture and religious beliefs. Hence, Muslim men should wear a prayer cap according to their own desires and wishes, as they are free to convert to any religion or culture.